Leaving Voicemails for Members that Get a Call Back

how to leave effective voicemails imageFive out of every six phone calls go straight to voicemail. For busy association professionals, this can be not only frustrating, but a huge time-suck.

Better your chances of getting a call back by mentally composing your message before each call.

To improve your chances of getting a call back, try these tactics:

  • Begin by saying your name and your organization’s name. Assume the person you’re calling doesn’t have your number, so say your phone number twice. People hate it when callers state their name and phone number too quickly– no one wants to listen to a message ten times to comprehend simple information.

3 Tips for Crafting an Attention-Getting
New-Member Welcome Email.

  • If your name is at all unusual, spell it the first time you say your phone number. Talk slowly like you were writing it down yourself. The second time you say your phone number, you can say it at your normal rate of speech.
  • A gracious phone message is no longer than 30 seconds. Be pleasant, but also get right to the point.
  • Keep your voicemail message to two points maximum. If you need to share more information, then say you will send an e-mail message with the rest of the details.
  • Leave a specific message. There’s nothing more frustrating than a voicemail that says, “Hi, it’s me. Call when you can!” Even if you’re just calling to say “Hi,” tell them that in your message.
  • End on a high note! You don’t necessarily need to say “Goodbye” at the end of a voicemail, because you didn’t really talk to anyone. Instead, try something like, “Look forward to talking* with you!”

*Use the word “with” instead of “to.” It sounds more positive. You want to talk “with” the person, not give them a “talking to.” It’s a subtle difference, yet it keeps the message positive.

These skills help you stay on point and will have people eager to hear your message and return your phone calls!

Source: mannersmentor.com

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